
National security and national competitiveness: Open source solutions; NASA requirements and capabilities


Foreign competitors are challenging the world leadership of the U.S. aerospace industry, and increasingly tight budgets everywhere make international cooperation in aerospace science necessary. The NASA STI Program has as part of its mission to support NASA R&D, and to that end has developed a knowledge base of aerospace-related information known as the NASA Aerospace Database. The NASA STI Program is already involved in international cooperation with NATO/AGARD/TIP, CENDI, ICSU/ICSTI, and the U.S. Japan Committee on STI. With the new more open political climate, the perceived dearth of foreign information in the NASA Aerospace Database, and the development of the ESA database and DELURA, the German databases, the NASA STI Program is responding by sponsoring workshops on foreign acquisitions and by increasing its cooperation with international partners and with other U.S. agencies. The STI Program looks to the future of improved database access through networking and a GUI; new media; optical disk, video, and full text; and a Technology Focus Group that will keep the NASA STI Program current with technology

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