
High Temperature Composite Analyzer (HITCAN) theoretical manual, version 1.0


This manual outlines some of the theoretical aspects embedded in the computer code, HITCAN (High Temperature Composite ANalyzer). HITCAN is a general purpose computer program for predicting nonlinear global structural and local stress-strain response of arbitrarily oriented, multilayered high temperature metal matrix composite structures. This code combines composite mechanics and laminate theory with an internal data base of the constituents (matrix, fiber and interface) material properties. The thermal and mechanical properties of the constituents are considered to be nonlinearly dependent on several parameters including temperature, stress and stress rate. The computational procedure for the analysis of the composite structure uses the finite element method. HITCAN consists of three modules: COBSTRAN, METCAN and MHOST. COBSTRAN generates the geometry (pre-processor) and defines the layup of the different plies. METCAN computes the material behavior of the composite and of the constituents. Finally, MHOST is a finite element program based on the mixed iterative solution technique. MHOST has a library for 2D and 3D isoparametric elements. HITCAN is written in FORTRAN 77 computer language and has been configured and executed on the NASA Lewis Research Center CRAY XMP and YMP computers

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