
High Temperature Composite Analyzer (HITCAN) demonstration manual, version 1.0


This manual comprises a variety of demonstration cases for the HITCAN (HIgh Temperature Composite ANalyzer) code. HITCAN is a general purpose computer program for predicting nonlinear global structural and local stress-strain response of arbitrarily oriented, multilayered high temperature metal matrix composite structures. HITCAN is written in FORTRAN 77 computer language and has been configured and executed on the NASA Lewis Research Center CRAY XMP and YMP computers. Detailed description of all program variables and terms used in this manual may be found in the User's Manual. The demonstration includes various cases to illustrate the features and analysis capabilities of the HITCAN computer code. These cases include: (1) static analysis, (2) nonlinear quasi-static (incremental) analysis, (3) modal analysis, (4) buckling analysis, (5) fiber degradation effects, (6) fabrication-induced stresses for a variety of structures; namely, beam, plate, ring, shell, and built-up structures. A brief discussion of each demonstration case with the associated input data file is provided. Sample results taken from the actual computer output are also included

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