Drag or negative traction of geared-down supporting propellers in the downward vertical glide of a helicopter


Discussed here are computations of drag or negative traction of geared down supporting propellers in the downward vertical glide of a helicopter. By means of Frounde's Theory, the maximum value of the drag of a windmill is calculated. For wooden propellers, the author finds that the difference between the drag and the weight is proportional to the number of blades and is larger for propellers of small diameter; thus it is 25 kg. for a six blade propeller with a diameter of 2 m. 50. The author notes that if we are to adopt large propellers, we must have recourse to a different method of construction, resulting in large dimension propellers much lighter than those made of wood. In discussing insufficient drag, the author notes that the question of the drag of geared down supporting propellers can only be decided by experiment

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