Optimization of circular orifice jets mixing into a heated cross flow in a cylindrical duct
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To examine the mixing characteristics of circular jets in an axisymmetric can geometry, temperature measurements were obtained downstream of a row of cold jet injected into a heated cross stream. The objective was to obtain uniform mixing within one duct radius downstream of the leading edge of the jet orifices. An area weighted standard deviation of the mixture fraction was used to help quantify the degree of mixedness at a given plane. Non-reacting experiments were conducted to determine the influence of the number of jets on the mixedness in a cylindrical configuration. Results show that the number of orifices significantly impacts the mixing characteristics of jets injected from round hole orifices in a can geometry. Optimum mixing occurs when the mean jet trajectory aligns with the radius which divides the cross sectional area of the can into two equal parts at one mixer radius downstream of the leading edge of the orifice. The optimum number of holes at momentum-flux ratios of 25 and 52 is 10 and 15 respectively