
Ceramic matrix composites properties/microstresses with complete and partial interphase bond


A multilevel substructuring technique which includes a unique fiber substructuring concept is used for the analysis of continuous fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites. This technique has four levels of substructuring--from laminate to ply, to supply, and then to fiber. A stand-alone computer code CEMCAN (Ceramic Matrix Composites Analyzer), incorporating this technique and specifically for the simulation of ceramic matrix composites behavior, is currently under development at NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The thermal and mechanical properties, along with the microstresses, for a SiC/RBSN (silicon carbide fiber and reaction bonded silicon nitride matrix) composite at different fiber volume ratios and varying degrees of interfacial bond around the fiber circumference are computed. Values predicted by CEMCAN computer code are shown to bound the experimentally measured values. Results also show that transverse tensile strength test can be a sensitive test method to assess interfacial conditions

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