Analytical investigation of ram-jet-engine performance in flight Mach number range from 3 to 7
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An analytical investigation was made of the performance of isolated ram-jet engines in the flight Mach number range from 3 to 7 for two types of diffuser, a high-efficiency diffuser, and a normal-shock diffuser. The fuel was assumed to be a hydrocarbon similar to gasoline. The conclusions reached are: (1) a design altitude of about 100,000 feet is desirable for a high-efficiency high Mach number ram jet on the basis of engine construction and performance; and (2) although greater thrust could be obtained with other fuels, gasoline provides sufficient energy release for maximum engine efficiency in the flight Mach number range investigated. The maximum engine efficiency calculated was 0.47, which occurred at a Mach number of 5. At a Mach number of 7, the maximum propulsive-thrust coefficient was 0.57