Investigation of a Spoiler-Type Lateral Control System on a Wing with Full-Span Flaps in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel


Tests of a partial-span model of a large bomber-type air1ane were conducted to determine the. aerodynamic characteristics of the wing equipped with full-span flaps and a retractable spoiler end aileron lateral control system. The arrangement consisted of (1) a double slotted flap extending over aproximate1y 86 percent of the wing semispan, (2) a 20-percent constant-percentage-chord aileron extending from the outboard end of the flap to the wing tip, and (3) a retractable spoiler, located at the 65-percent wing-chord station and extending from approximately 63 percent of the wing semispan to the wing tip. In addition, tests were made of a wing vent (of 1 and 2 percent of the wing chord located directly behind the spoiler), perforations in the spoiler, a blot or cut-out along the lower edge of the spoiler and spoilers of various spans. With full-span flaps deflected and with the 2-percent vent open or closed the initial stalling of the wing occurred at the tips, but with the vents closed there probably would be no appreciable loss in lateral control until maximum lift was reached. The l-percent vent increased the rolling effectiveness of the spoiler at small spoi1er deflections, particularly at high angles of attack with flaps deflected. With flaps deflected the 2-percent vent caused a large reduction in both the wing lift and rolling effectiveness of the spoiler at large angles of attack. However, at small angle of attack the 2-percent vent increased the rolling effectiveness of the spoiler at small spoiler deflections. The simultaneous operation of the spoiler and vent (in contrast to a vent fixed in the wing) would result in a large increase in the effectiveness of the spoiler and would avoid any loss in wing lift as in a fixed vent arrangement. The tests of the spoiler modifications revealed that (1) the spoiler perforations reduced the rolling-moment and yawing-moment coefficients but caused the spoiler hinge-moment coefficients to become more positive; (2) the spoiler slot had no notable effect on the rolling-moment and yawing-moment characteristics but produced a positive increase in the spoiler hinge-moment coefficients at large spoiler deflections; (3) the effects produced by the individual modifications were additive when the various modifications were combined. In general, progressively decreasing the spoiler span by removing the segments from the inboard end of the spoiler caused a decrease in rolling effectiveness approximately proportional to the span of the segment

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