Pressure Distribution Tests on PW-9 Wing Models from -18 Degree Through 90 Degree Angle of Attack


At the request of the Army Air Corps, an investigation of the pressure distribution over PW-9 wing models was conducted in the atmospheric wind tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. The primary purpose of these tests was to obtain wind-tunnel data on the load distribution on the cellule to be correlated with similar information obtained in flight tests, both to be used for design purposes. Because of the importance of the conditions beyond the stall as affecting the control and stability, this investigation was extended through 90 degree angle of attack. The results for the range of normal flight have been given in NACA Technical Report No. 271. The present paper presents the same results in a different form and includes, in addition, those over the greater range of angle of attack, -18 degrees through 90 degrees. The results show that: (1) at angles of attack above maximum lift, the biplane upper wing pressures are decreased by the shielding action of the lower wing. (2) the burble of the biplane lower wing, with respect to the angle of attack, is delayed, due to the shielding action of the lower wing. (3) the center of pressure of the biplane upper wing (semispan) is, in general, displaced forward and outward with reference to that of the wing as a monoplane, while for the lower wing there is but slight difference for both conditions. (4) the overhanging portion of the upper wing is little affected by the presence of the lower wing

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