A combustion products analyzer for contingency use during thermodegradation events on spacecraft


The Toxicology Laboratory at JSC and Exidyne Instrumentation Technologies (EIT) have developed a prototype Combustion Products Analyzer (CPA) to monitor, in real time, combustion products from a thermodegradation event on board spacecraft. The CPA monitors the four gases that are the most hazardous compounds (based on the toxicity potential and quantity produced) likely to be released during thermodegradation of synthetic materials: hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and carbon monoxide (CO). The levels of these compounds serve as markers to assist toxicologists in determining when the cabin atmosphere is safe for the crew to breathe following the contingency event. The CPA is a hand-held, battery-operated instrument containing four electrochemical sensors, one for each target gas, and a pump for drawing air across the sensors. The sensors are unique in their small size and zero-g compatibility. The immobilized electrolytes in each sensor permit the instrument to function in space and eliminate the possibility of electrolye leaks. The sample inlet system is equipped with a particulate filter that prevents clogging from airborne particulate matter. The CPA has a large digital display for gas concentrations and warming signals for low flow and low battery conditions. The CPA has flown on 13 missions beginning with STS 41 in Oct. 1990. Current efforts include the development of a microprocessor, an improved carbon monoxide sensor, and a ground-based test program to evaluate the CPA during actual thermodegradation of selected materials

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