The nonlinear evolution of modes on unstable stratified shear layers


The nonlinear development of disturbances in stratified shear flows (having a local Richardson number of value less than one quarter) is considered. Such modes are initially fast growing but, like related studies, we assume that the viscous, non-parallel spreading of the shear layer results in them evolving in a linear fashion until they reach a position where their amplitudes are large enough and their growth rates have diminished sufficiently so that amplitude equations can be derived using weakly nonlinear and non-equilibrium critical-layer theories. Four different basic integro-differential amplitude equations are possible, including one due to a novel mechanism; the relevant choice of amplitude equation, at a particular instance, being dependent on the relative sizes of the disturbance amplitude, the growth rate of the disturbance, its wavenumber, and the viscosity of the fluid. This richness of choice of possible nonlinearities arises mathematically from the indicial Frobenius roots of the governing linear inviscid equation (the Taylor-Goldstein equation) not, in general, differing by an integer. The initial nonlinear evolution of a mode will be governed by an integro-differential amplitude equations with a cubic nonlinearity but the resulting significant increase in the size of the disturbance's amplitude leads on to the next stage of the evolution process where the evolution of the mode is governed by an integro-differential amplitude equations with a quintic nonlinearity. Continued growth of the disturbance amplitude is expected during this stage, resulting in the effects of nonlinearity spreading to outside the critical level, by which time the flow has become fully nonlinear

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