Microgravity acceleration measurement environment characterization


The Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS) is a general-purpose instrumentation system designed to measure the accelerations onboard the shuttle Orbiter and shuttle/Spacelab vehicles. These measurements are used to support microgravity experiments and investigations into the microgravity environment of the vehicle. Acceleration measurement can be made at locations remote from the SAMS main instrumentation unit by the use of up to three remote triaxial sensor heads. The SAMS was developed by NASA's Lewis Research Center (LeRC) in support of NASA's microgravity science programs. In the past, numerous acceleration measurement systems have flown on various space missions. These systems were tailored to measure accelerations for a narrow set of requirements and were limited in bandwidth, dynamic range, and recording capability. In addition, these systems were mission-peculiar and not easily modified for other applications or missions. The result has been an inability to accurately assess the expected microgravity environment prior to a mission for a particular experiment and/or location. The prime science objective for SAMS on the SL-J mission will be to measure the accelerations experienced by a multitude of experiments in the two racks of the Japanese First Materials Processing Test (FMPT). The FMPT consists of a variety of materials science and life science experiments contained in racks no. 7 and no. 10. The SAMS data will be made available to the FMPT principal investigators after the mission for their analysis with the FMPT data. A secondary science objective for SAMS will be the characterization of the acceleration environment of the Spacelab module. This will include an analysis of the acceleration transfer function of the Spacelab module which will utilize the FMPT acceleration measurement along with measurements at the rack no. 9 structure. Another analytical effort to be undertaken is a general characterization of the acceleration environment of the Spacelab as an orbiting laboratory. These analysis efforts will be in conjunction with similar measurements and analyses on other SAMS Spacelab missions

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