Supervised autonomous control, shared control, and teleoperation for space servicing


A local-remote telerobot system for single- and dual-arm supervised autonomy, shared control, and teleoperation has been demonstrated. The system is composed of two distinct parts: the local site, where the operator resides; and the remote site, where the robots reside. The system could be further separated into dual local sites communicating with a common remote site. This is valuable for potential space missions where a space based robotic system may be controlled either by a space based operator or by a ground based operator. Also, multiple modes of control integrated into a common system are valuable for satisfying different servicing scenarios. The remote site single arm control system is described, and its parameterization for different supervised autonomous control, shared control, and teleoperation tasks are given. Experimental results are also given for selected tasks. The tasks include compliant grasping, orbital replacement unit changeout, bolt seating and turning, electronics card removal and insertion, and door opening

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