UVSTAR: An imaging spectrograph with telescope for the Shuttle Hitchhiker-M platform


UVSTAR is an EUV spectral imager intended as a facility instrument devoted to solar system and astronomy studies. It covers the wavelength range of 500 to 1250 A, with sufficient spectral resolution to separate emission lines and to form spectrally resolved images of extended plasma sources. Targets include the Io plasma torus at Jupiter, hot stars, planetary nebulae and bright galaxies. UVSTAR consists of a pair of telescopes and concave grating spectrographs that cover the overlapping spectral ranges of 500-900 and 850-1250 A. The telescopes use two 30 cm diameter off-axis paraboloids having focal length of 1.5 m. An image of the target is formed at the entrance slits of the two concave grating spectrographs. The gratings provide dispersion and re-image the slits at the detectors, intensified CCD's. The readout format of the detectors can be chosen by computer, and three slit widths are selectable to adapt the instrument to specific tasks. UVSTAR has internal gimbals which allow rotation of plus or minus 3 deg about each of two axes. Dedicated finding and tracking telescopes will acquire and track the target after rough pointing is achieved by orienting the Orbiter. Responsibilities for implementation and utilization of UVSTAR are shared by groups in Italy and the U.S. UVSTAR is scheduled for flight in early 1995, timed for an opportunity to observe the Jovian system

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