The rationale for fundamental research in space biology: Introduction and background


With the construction of Space Station Freedom, NASA will have available a new platform for experiments in space that promises many advantages over those already flown. Biologists are poised to take advantage of the greater space, the increased power, and especially the long duration of the station for a cascade of innovative experiments in fundamental science that are long overdue. The unique space environment will provide new dimensions for approaching some of the most challenging problems still facing modern biology. Solutions to basic questions about living systems, which may now be grown through many generations in space, will not only explain abnormalities already observed there, but will add to our understanding of how life functions on Earth. Much will be learned about evolution that has built us the way we are, but also about what it has in store for the Earth's species in the future. NASA must not lose this opportunity to contribute to the welfare of the peoples of the Earth while at the same time create knowledge that will enable human exploration of space in the decades ahead

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