Venusian pancake domes: Insights from terrestrial voluminous silicic lavas and thermal modeling


The so-called 'pancake' domes, and several other volcanoes on Venus, appear to represent large extrusions of silicic lava. Similar voluminous rhyolite lava flows, often associated with mantle plumes, are known on Earth. Venus' high ambient temperature, and insulation by the dome's brecciated carapace, both act to prolong cooling of a dome's interior, allowing for episodic lava input over an extended period of time. Field relations and aspect ratios of terrestrial voluminous rhyolite lavas imply continuous, non-episodic growth, reflecting tapping of a large volume of dry, anatectic silicic magma. Petrogenetically, the venusian domes may be analogous to chains of small domes on Earth, which represent 'leakage' of evolved material from magma bodies fractionating from much more mafic liquids

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