A program for the investigation of the Multibody Modeling, Verification, and Control Laboratory


The Multibody Modeling, Verification, and Control (MMVC) Laboratory is under development at NASA MSFC in Huntsville, Alabama. The laboratory will provide a facility in which dynamic tests and analyses of multibody flexible structures representative of future space systems can be conducted. The purpose of the tests are to acquire dynamic measurements of the flexible structures undergoing large angle motions and use the data to validate the multibody modeling code, TREETOPS, developed under sponsorship of NASA. Advanced control systems design and system identification methodologies will also be implemented in the MMVC laboratory. This paper describes the ground test facility, the real-time control system, and the experiments. A top-level description of the TREETOPS code is also included along with the validation plan for the MMVC program. Dynamic test results from component testing are also presented and discussed. A detailed discussion of the test articles, which manifest the properties of large flexible space structures, is included along with a discussion of the various candidate control methodologies to be applied in the laboratory

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