Grain surface features of Apollo 17 orange and black glass


Lunar soil sample 74220 and core samples 74001/2 consist mainly of orange glass droplets, droplet fragments, and their crystallized equivalents. These samples are now generally accepted to be pyroclastic ejecta from early lunar volcanic eruptions. It has been known that they contain surface coatings and material rich in volatile condensable phases including S, Zn, F, Cl, and many volatile metals. Meyer summarizes the voluminous published chemical data and calculates the volatile enrichment ratios for most of the surface condensates. In an attempt to more completely understand this enrichment of surface volatiles, we have searched for carbon and carbon-bearing phases on droplet surfaces. We have reviewed many of our existing photomicrographs and energy dispersive analysis (EDX) of grain surfaces and have reexamined some of our older SEM mounts using an improved EDXA system capable of light element detection and analysis (oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon). In addition, we have made fresh mounts using procedures which should minimize carbon contamination or extraneous carbon x-rays and have analyzed for carbon

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