Surface-induced brightness temperature variations and their effects on detecting thin cirrus clouds using IR emission channels in the 8-12 micrometer region


A method for detecting cirrus clouds in terms of brightness temperature differences between narrow bands at 8, 11, and 12 mu m has been proposed by Ackerman et al. (1990). In this method, the variation of emissivity with wavelength for different surface targets was not taken into consideration. Based on state-of-the-art laboratory measurements of reflectance spectra of terrestrial materials by Salisbury and D'Aria (1992), we have found that the brightness temperature differences between the 8 and 11 mu m bands for soils, rocks and minerals, and dry vegetation can vary between approximately -8 K and +8 K due solely to surface emissivity variations. We conclude that although the method of Ackerman et al. is useful for detecting cirrus clouds over areas covered by green vegetation, water, and ice, it is less effective for detecting cirrus clouds over areas covered by bare soils, rocks and minerals, and dry vegetation. In addition, we recommend that in future the variation of surface emissivity with wavelength should be taken into account in algorithms for retrieving surface temperatures and low-level atmospheric temperature and water vapor profiles

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