New concepts for HgI2 scintillator gamma ray spectroscopy


The primary goals of this project are development of the technology for HgI2 photodetectors (PD's), development of a HgI2/scintillator gamma detector, development of electronics, and development of a prototype gamma spectrometer. Work on the HgI2 PD's involved HgI2 purification and crystal growth, detector surface and electrical contact studies, PD structure optimization, encapsulation and packaging, and testing. Work on the HgI2/scintillator gamma detector involved a study of the optical - mechanical coupling for the optimization of CsI(Tl)/HgI2 gamma ray detectors and determination of the relationship between resolution versus scintillator type and size. The development of the electronics focused on low noise amplification circuits using different preamp input FET's and the use of a coincidence technique to maximize the signal, minimize the noise contribution in the gamma spectra, and improve the overall system resolution

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