Formal semantics for a subset of VHDL and its use in analysis of the FTPP scoreboard circuit


In the first part of the report, we give a detailed description of an operational semantics for a large subset of VHDL, the VHSIC Hardware Description Language. The semantics is written in the functional language Caliban, similar to Haskell, used by the theorem prover Clio. We also describe a translator from VHDL into Caliban semantics and give some examples of its use. In the second part of the report, we describe our experience in using the VHDL semantics to try to verify a large VHDL design. We were not able to complete the verification due to certain complexities of VHDL which we discuss. We propose a VHDL verification method that addresses the problems we encountered but which builds on the operational semantics described in the first part of the report

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