Turbomachinery Forced Response Prediction System (FREPS): User's Manual


The turbomachinery forced response prediction system (FREPS), version 1.2, is capable of predicting the aeroelastic behavior of axial-flow turbomachinery blades. This document is meant to serve as a guide in the use of the FREPS code with specific emphasis on its use at NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC). A detailed explanation of the aeroelastic analysis and its development is beyond the scope of this document, and may be found in the references. FREPS has been developed by the NASA LeRC Structural Dynamics Branch. The manual is divided into three major parts: an introduction, the preparation of input, and the procedure to execute FREPS. Part 1 includes a brief background on the necessity of FREPS, a description of the FREPS system, the steps needed to be taken before FREPS is executed, an example input file with instructions, presentation of the geometric conventions used, and the input/output files employed and produced by FREPS. Part 2 contains a detailed description of the command names needed to create the primary input file that is required to execute the FREPS code. Also, Part 2 has an example data file to aid the user in creating their own input files. Part 3 explains the procedures required to execute the FREPS code on the Cray Y-MP, a computer system available at the NASA LeRC

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