High-order squeezing of the quantum electromagnetic field and the generalized uncertainty relations in two-mode squeezed states
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It is found that two-mode output quantum electromagnetic field in two-mode squeezed states exhibits higher-order squeezing to all even orders. And the generalized uncertainty relations are also presented for the first time. The concept of higher-order squeezing of the single-mode quantum electromagnetic field was first introduced and applied to several processes by Hong and Mandel in 1985. Lately Li Xizeng and Shan Ying have calculated the higher-order squeezing in the process of degenerate four-wave mixing and presented the higher-order uncertainty relations of the fields in single-mode squeezed states. In this paper we generalize the above work to the higher-order squeezing in two-mode squeezed states. The generalized uncertainty relations are also presented for the first time