Applications of squeezed states: Bogoliubov transformations and wavelets to the statistical mechanics of water and its bubbles


The squeezed states or Bogoliubov transformations and wavelets are applied to two problems in nonrelativistic statistical mechanics: the dielectric response of liquid water, epsilon(q-vector,w), and the bubble formation in water during insonnification. The wavelets are special phase-space windows which cover the domain and range of L(exp 1) intersection of L(exp 2) of classical causal, finite energy solutions. The multiresolution of discrete wavelets in phase space gives a decomposition into regions of time and scales of frequency thereby allowing the renormalization group to be applied to new systems in addition to the tired 'usual suspects' of the Ising models and lattice gasses. The Bogoliubov transformation: squeeze transformation is applied to the dipolaron collective mode in water and to the gas produced by the explosive cavitation process in bubble formation

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