Exobiology site priorities for Mars Pathfinder


The fact that life developed on the Earth within the first billion years of its history makes it quite plausible that life may have also developed on Mars. If life did develop on Mars, it undoubtedly left behind a fossil record. Such a fossil record is likely to be more accessible than either subsurface environments that may harbor life, or scattered 'oases' that may be present at the surface. Consequently, the post-Viking approach of Mars exobiology has shifted focus to search for evidence of an ancient martian biosphere. This has led to the emergence of a new subdiscipline of paleontology, herein termed 'exopaleontology', which deals with the exploration for fossils on other planets and whose core concepts derive from Earth-based Precambrian paleontology, microbial ecology, and sedimentology. Potential targets on Mars for subaqueous spring deposits, sedimentary cements, and evaporites are ancient terminal lake basins where hydrological systems could have endured for some time under arid conditions. Potential targets for the Mars Pathfinder mission include channeled impact craters and areas of deranged drainage associated with outflows in northwest Arabia and Xanthe Terra, where water may have ponded temporarily to form lakes. The major uncertainty of such targets is their comparatively younger age and the potentially short duration of hydrological activity compared to older paleolake basins found in the southern hemisphere. However, it has been suggested that cycles of catastrophic flooding associated with Tharsis volcanism may have sustained a large body of water, Oceanus Borealis, in the northern plains area until quite late in martian history. Although problematic, the shoreline areas of the proposed northern ocean provide potential targets for a Mars Pathfinder mission aimed at exploring for carbonates or other potentially fossiliferous marine deposits. Carbonates and evaporites possess characteristic spectra signatures in the near-infrared and should be detectable using rover-based spectroscopy and other methods for in situ mineralogical analysis

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