Optimization of Residual Stresses in MMC's Using Compensating/Compliant Interfacial Layers. Part 2: OPTCOMP User's Guide


A user's guide for the computer program OPTCOMP is presented in this report. This program provides a capability to optimize the fabrication or service-induced residual stresses in uni-directional metal matrix composites subjected to combined thermo-mechanical axisymmetric loading using compensating or compliant layers at the fiber/matrix interface. The user specifies the architecture and the initial material parameters of the interfacial region, which can be either elastic or elastoplastic, and defines the design variables, together with the objective function, the associated constraints and the loading history through a user-friendly data input interface. The optimization procedure is based on an efficient solution methodology for the elastoplastic response of an arbitrarily layered multiple concentric cylinder model that is coupled to the commercial optimization package DOT. The solution methodology for the arbitrarily layered cylinder is based on the local-global stiffness matrix formulation and Mendelson's iterative technique of successive elastic solutions developed for elastoplastic boundary-value problems. The optimization algorithm employed in DOT is based on the method of feasible directions

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