A surgical support system for Space Station Freedom


Surgical techniques in microgravity are being developed for the Health Maintenance Facility (HMF) on Space Station Freedom (SSF). This will be a presentation of the proposed surgical capabilities and ongoing hardware and procedural investigations. Methods: Procedures and prototype hardware, which include a medical restraint system, a surgical overhead isolation canopy, a suction device, and a regional laminar flow device were evaluated. This was accomplished by realistic sterile surgical simulations involving both mannequins and animals during KC-135 parabolic flight and in a high fidelity ground based HMF mockup. Results: Animal surgery in the environment of microgravity allowed the observation of unique arterial and venous bleeding characteristics for the first time. The ability to control bleeding and to prevent cabin atmosphere contamination was also demonstrated. Conclusions: The procedures and prototype hardware tested provided valuable information and should be investigated and developed further. The use of standard surgical techniques are possible in microgravity if the principles of personnel and supply restraint and operative field containment are adhered to

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