Temporal and spatial mapping of atmospheric dust opacity and surface albedo on Mars


The Mariner 9 and Viking missions provided abundant evidence that eolian processes are active over much of the surface of Mars. Past studies have demonstrated that variations in regional albedo and wind streak patterns are indicative of sediment transport through a region, while thermal inertia data (derived from the Viking Infrared Thermal Mapper (IRTM) datasets) are indicative of the degree of surface mantling by dust deposits. We are making use of the method developed by T. Z. Martin to determine dust opacity from IRTM thermal observations. We have developed a radiative transfer model that allows corrections for the effects of atmospheric dust loading on observations of surface albedo to be made. This approach to determining 'dust-corrected surface albedo' incorporates the atmospheric dust opacity, the single-scattering albedo and particle phase function of atmospheric dust, the bidirectional reflectance of the surface, and accounts for variable lighting and viewing geometry

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