Convergence acceleration of implicit schemes in the presence of high aspect ratio grid cells


The performance of Navier-Stokes codes are influenced by several phenomena. For example, the robustness of the code may be compromised by the lack of grid resolution, by a need for more precise initial conditions or because all or part of the flowfield lies outside the flow regime in which the algorithm converges efficiently. A primary example of the latter effect is the presence of extended low Mach number and/or low Reynolds number regions which cause convergence deterioration of time marching algorithms. Recent research into this problem by several workers including the present authors has largely negated this difficulty through the introduction of time-derivative preconditioning. In the present paper, we employ the preconditioned algorithm to address convergence difficulties arising from sensitivity to grid stretching and high aspect ratio grid cells. Strong grid stretching is particularly characteristic of turbulent flow calculations where the grid must be refined very tightly in the dimension normal to the wall, without a similar refinement in the tangential direction. High aspect ratio grid cells also arise in problems that involve high aspect ratio domains such as combustor coolant channels. In both situations, the high aspect ratio cells can lead to extreme deterioration in convergence. It is the purpose of the present paper to address the reasons for this adverse response to grid stretching and to suggest methods for enhancing convergence under such circumstances. Numerical algorithms typically possess a maximum allowable or optimum value for the time step size, expressed in non-dimensional terms as a CFL number or vonNeumann number (VNN). In the presence of high aspect ratio cells, the smallest dimension of the grid cell controls the time step size causing it to be extremely small, which in turn results in the deterioration of convergence behavior. For explicit schemes, this time step limitation cannot be exceeded without violating stability restrictions of the scheme. On the other hand, for implicit schemes, which are typically unconditionally stable, there appears to be room for improvement through careful tailoring of the time step definition based on results of linear stability analyses. In the present paper, we focus on the central-differenced alternating direction implicit (ADI) scheme. The understanding garnered from this analyses can then be applied to other implicit schemes. In order to systematically study the effects of aspect ratio and the methods of mitigating the associated problems, we use a two pronged approach. We use stability analyses as a tool for predicting numerical convergence behavior and numerical experiments on simple model problems to verify predicted trends. Based on these analyses, we determine that efficient convergence may be obtained at all aspect ratios by getting a combination of things right. Primary among these are the proper definition of the time step size, proper selection of viscous preconditioner and the precise treatment of boundary conditions. These algorithmic improvements are then applied to a variety of test cases to demonstrate uniform convergence at all aspect ratios

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