Hyperspectral modeling for extracting aerosols from aircraft/satellite data


Sensitivity studies using the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) bands are currently under investigation. The objective of this research is to develop improved algorithms for the determination of aerosol type (e.g., presently described by S(sub 12). Preliminary computer calculations were made using LOWTRAN 7, which is the most advanced atmospheric code of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. LOWTRAN 7 permits the calculation of atmospheric transmission and absorption caused by aerosols and molecules along a non-homogeneous path for a variety of aerosol models. The calculations used the Navy Aerosol Model (NAM), which was constructed for the marine environment using a three component size distribution model. Calculations of the total transmittance (L(sub T)), the path radiance (L(sub P)), and the reflected radiance (L(sub r)) were made as a function of wavelength (lambda) from 0.4 to 2.4 microns for each of the 224 10 nm wide AVIRIS bands. These calculations were made for various types of atmospheres for the troposphere (0-2 km)

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