Deriving earth science products from SSM/I


A few of the major accomplishments during the second phase include: (1) all three Special Sensor Microwave Imagers (SSM/I's: F08, F10, and F11) have been cross-calibrated; (2) a very large, quality-controlled, collocated SSM/I and radiosonde data set has been produced; (3) the SSM/I-radiosonde and SSM/I-buoy data sets have been used to calibrate the SSM/I ocean retrieval algorithm; (4) ocean products have been produced for both F10 and F11 SSM/I for 1991-1993; (5) the SSM/I-buoy data set was used to better determine the variation of the ocean T(sub B) with wind direction; and (6) it was demonstrated that under high wind conditions, wind direction information can be obtained from individual SSM/I observations

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