The Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) system analyzer


TDA documents determine the personnel strengths for each Army installation. They reflect the number of people required to accomplish a certain mission by various characteristics. U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) analysts continuously scrutinize these documents to ensure that they comply with provided guidance. Part of this guidance has been used to develop a set of manual rules. Analysts apply these rules to the TDA to eliminate positions, downgrade positions, or reduce position strength. However, this process is very time consuming. ln addition, human involvement introduces inconsistencies and errors that are difficult to detect later. This paper explains how I represented these rules using the 'C' Language Production System (CLIPS) to develop an expert system that is applied consistently and comprehensively for all TRADOC installations. The TDA System Analyzer reduces the review process from about five days to just twenty minutes; giving the user more time to analyze the results and thereby make better decisions. Furthermore, the user is assured that the rules are applied uniformly to every TDA document. This paper also explains the integration of the TDA System Analyzer into TRADOC's On-Line TDA System. Providing the analyst an extra utility module that can be accessed from a familiar environment

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