Design, characterization, and control of the NASA three degree of freedom reaction compensation platform


Increasing research is being done into industrial uses for the microgravity environment aboard orbiting space vehicles. However, there is some concern over the effects of reaction forces produced by moving objects, especially motors, robotic actuators, and astronauts. Reaction forces produced by the movement of these objects may manifest themselves as undesirable accelerations in the space vehicle making the vehicle unusable for microgravity applications. It is desirable to provide compensation for such forces using active means. This paper presents the design and experimental evaluation of the NASA three degree of freedom reaction compensation platform, a system designed to be a testbed for the feasibility of active attenuation of reaction forces caused by moving objects in a microgravity environment. Unique 'linear motors,' which convert electrical current directly into rectilinear force, are used in the platform design. The linear motors induce accelerations of the displacer inertias. These accelerations create reaction forces that may be controlled to counteract disturbance forces introduced to the platform. The stated project goal is to reduce reaction forces by 90 percent, or -20 dB. Description of the system hardware, characterization of the actuators and the composite system, and design of the software safety system and control software are included

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