Measurements of store forces and moments and cavity pressures for a generic store in and near a box cavity at subsonic and transonic speeds
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An experimental force and moment study was conducted in the Langley 8-Foot Transonic Pressure Tunnel for a generic store in and near rectangular box cavities contained in a flat-plate configuration at subsonic and transonic speeds. Surface pressures were measured inside the cavities and on the flat plate. The length-to-height ratios were 5.42, 6.25, 10.83, and 12.50. The corresponding width-to-height ratios were 2.00, 2.00, 4.00, and 4.00. The free-stream Mach number range was from 0.20 to 0.95. Surface pressure measurements inside the cavities indicated that the flow fields for the shallow cavities were either closed or transitional near the transitional/closed boundary. For the deep cavities, the flow fields were either open or near the open/transitional boundary. The presence of the store did not change the type of flow field and had only small effects on the pressure distributions. For transitional or open transitional flow fields, increasing the free-stream Mach number resulted in large reductions in pitching-moment coefficient. Values of pitching-moment coefficient were always much greater for closed flow fields than for open flow fields