The effect of signal noise on the remote sensing of Foliar biochemical concentration


Spectral measurements made using an imaging spectrometer contain systematic and random noise, while the former can be corrected the latter remains a source of error in the remotely sensed signal. A number of investigators have tried to determine the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the instrument, or the resultant imagery. However, the level of noise at which spectra are too noisy to be useful is not usually determined. The first attempt was by Goetz and Calvin, who suggested that the depth of the absorption feature should be at least an order of magnitude greater than the noise and more recently Dekker suggested a SNR of around 600:1 was required in visible/near infrared wavelengths to measure a 1/gl change in chlorophyll a concentration water. The wide range of applications of imaging spectroscopy make it difficult to set SNR specifications as they are dependent on a number of factors, one of the most important being reflectance of a particular target. For example, the SNR of imagery for vegetated targets is relatively low simply because vegetation has a relatively low level of reflectance. The Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) is being used to estimate the concentration of biochemicals within vegetation canopies. This paper reports a study undertaken to identify first, wavebands that were highly correlated with foliar biochemical concentration and second, to determine how sensitive these correlations were to sensor noise

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