Features and applications of the Groove Analysis Program (GAP)


An IBM Personal Computer (PC) version of the Groove Analysis program (GAP) was developed to predict the steady state heat transport capability of an axially grooved heat pipe for a specified groove geometry and working fluid. In the model, the capillary limit is determined by the numerical solution of the differential equation for momentum conservation with the appropriate boundary conditions. This governing equation accounts for the hydrodynamic losses due to friction in liquid and vapor flows and due to liquid/vapor shear interaction. Back-pumping in both 0-g and 1-g is accounted for in the boundary condition at the condenser end. Slug formation in 0-g and puddle flow in 1-g are also considered in the model. At the user's discretion, the code will perform the analysis for various fluid inventories (undercharge, nominal charge, overcharge, or a fixed fluid charge) and heat pipe elevations. GAP will also calculate the minimum required heat pipe wall thickness for pressure containment at design temperatures that are greater than or lower than the critical temperature of the working fluid. This paper discusses the theory behind the development of the GAP model. It also presents the many useful and powerful capabilities of the model. Furthermore, a correlation of flight test performance data and the predictions using GAP are presented and discussed

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