Design and analysis of low boom concepts at Langley Research Center


The objective of the sonic boom research in the current High Speed Research Program is to ultimately make possible overland supersonic flight by a high speed civil transport. To accomplish this objective, it is felt that results in four areas must demonstrate that such a vehicle would be acceptable by the general public, by the airframers, and by the airlines. It should be demonstrated: (1) that some waveform shape has the possibility of being acceptable to the general public; (2) that the atmosphere would not totally destroy such a waveform during propagation; (3) that a viable airplane could be built which produces such a waveform; and (4) that any performance penalty suffered by a low boom aircraft would be counteracted by the economic benefit of overland supersonic flight. The work being done at LaRC is in support of the third element listed above--the area of configuration design. The initial part of the paper will give a review of the theory being used for configuration designs and discuss two theory validation models which were built and tested within the past two years. Discussion of the wind tunnel and theoretical results (linear theory and higher order methods) and their implications for future designs will be included

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