Computer simulation results for PCM/PM/NRZ receivers in nonideal channels


This article studies, by computer simulations, the performance of deep-space telemetry signals that employ the pulse code modulation/phase modulation (PCM/PM) technique, using nonreturn-to-zero data, under the separate and combined effects of unbalanced data, data asymmetry, and a band-limited channel. The study is based on measuring the symbol error rate performance and comparing the results to the theoretical results presented in previous articles. Only the effects of imperfect carrier tracking due to an imperfect data stream are considered. The presence of an imperfect data stream (unbalanced and/or asymmetric) produces undesirable spectral components at the carrier frequency, creating an imperfect carrier reference that will degrade the performance of the telemetry system. Further disturbance to the carrier reference is caused by the intersymbol interference created by the band-limited channel

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