Comparison of full-scale, small-scale, and CFD results for F/A-18 forebody slot blowing


It has been shown experimentally that forebody flow control devices provide a significant increase in yaw control for fighter aircraft at high angle-of-attack. This study presents comparisons of the various experimental and computational results for tangential slot blowing on the F/A-18 configuration. Experimental results are from the full-scale and 6 percent-scale model test and computational solutions are from both isolated forebody and and full aircraft configurations. The emphasis is on identifying trends in the variation of yawing moment with blowing-slot exit conditions. None of the traditional parameters (mass flow ratio, blowing momentum coefficient, velocity ratio) succeeded in collapsing all of the results into a common curve. Several factors may effect the agreement between the 6 percent- and full-scale results including Reynolds number effects, sensitivity of boundary layer transition from laminar to turbulent flow, and poor geometric fidelity, particularly of the blowing slot. The disagreement between the full-scale and computed yawing moments may be due to a mismatch in the slot exit conditions for the same mass flow ratio or aircraft configuration modeling. The general behavior of slot blowing on the 6 percent-scale and computational models is correct, but neither matches the full-scale results

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