A conceptual design for the attitude control and determination system for the Magnetosphere Imager spacecraft


This paper presents a conceptual design for the attitude control and determination (ACAD) system for the Magnetosphere Imager (Ml) spacecraft. The MI is a small spin-stabilized spacecraft that has been proposed for launch on a Taurus-S expendable launch vehicle into a highly-ellipdcal polar Earth orbit. Presently, launch is projected for 1999. The paper describes the MI mission and ACAD requirements and then proposes an ACAD system for meeting these requirements. The proposed design is low-power, low-mass, very simple conceptually, highly passive, and consistent with the overall MI design philosophy, which is faster-better-cheaper. Still, the MI ACAD system is extremely robust and can handle a number of unexpected, adverse situations on orbit without impacting the mission as a whole. Simulation results are presented that support the soundness of the design approach

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