ARTSN: An Automated Real-Time Spacecraft Navigation System


As part of the Deep Space Network (DSN) advanced technology program an effort is underway to design a filter to automate the deep space navigation process.The automated real-time spacecraft navigation (ARTSN) filter task is based on a prototype consisting of a FORTRAN77 package operating on an HP-9000/700 workstation running HP-UX 9.05. This will be converted to C, and maintained as the operational version. The processing tasks required are: (1) read a measurement, (2) integrate the spacecraft state to the current measurement time, (3) compute the observable based on the integrated state, and (4) incorporate the measurement information into the state using an extended Kalman filter. This filter processes radiometric data collected by the DSN. The dynamic (force) models currently include point mass gravitational terms for all planets, the Sun and Moon, solar radiation pressure, finite maneuvers, and attitude maintenance activity modeled quadratically. In addition, observable errors due to troposphere are included. Further data types, force and observable models will be ncluded to enhance the accuracy of the models and the capability of the package. The heart of the ARSTSN is a currently available continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter. Simulated data used to test the implementation at various stages of development and the results from processing actual mission data are presented

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