Proton affinity determinations and proton-bound dimer structure indications in C2 to C15, (alpha),(omega)-alkyldiamines


The 'kinetic method' was used to determine the proton affinity (PA) of a,coalkyldiamines from collision induced dissociation (CID) studies of protonated heterodimers. These PA values were consistently lower than those reported in the proton affinity scale. The apparent discrepancy was rationalized in terms of differences in the conformation of the protonated diamine monomers. The minimum energy species, formed by equilibrium proton transfer processes, have a cyclic conformation and the ion charge is shared by both amino-groups which are bridged by the proton. On the other hand, the species formed through dissociation of protonated dimers have a linear structure and the charge is localized on one of the amino-groups. Thus, the difference in the PA values obtained by both methods is a measure of the additional stability acquired by the protonated diamines through cyclization and charge delocalization. The major collision dissociation pathway of the protonated diamine monomers involved elimination of an ammonia moiety. Other reactions observed included loss of the second amino-group and several other bond cleavages. CID of the protonated dimers involved primarily formation of a protonated monomer through cleavage of the weaker hydrogen bond and subsequently loss of ammonia at higher collision energies. As observed from the CID studies, doubly charged ions were also formed from the diamines under conditions of the electrospray ionization

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