Performance Report: A timeline for the synchrotron calibration of AXAF
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Presented herein are the known elements of the timeline for synchrotron reflectance calibrations of HRMA witness samples (Section 2). In Section 3, lists of measurements to be done on each witness flat are developed. The elements are then arranged into timelines for the three beamlines we expect to employ in covering the full 50-12,000 eV energy range (Section 4). Although the required AXAF operational range is only 0.1-10 keV, we must calibrate the extent to which radiation just outside this band may contaminate our in-band response. In Section 5, we describe the working relationships which exist with each of the beamlines, and estimate the time available for AXAF measurements on each. From the timelines and the available time, we calculate the number of flats which could be measured in full detail over the duration of the program for each beamline. A suggestion is made regarding a minimum required baselines of witness flats from each element coating run or qualification run to be used in the calibration. We intend that this suggestion open discussion of the issue of witness flat deployment