Validation of Spectral Analysis as a Noninvasive Tool to Assess Autonomic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function


A major focus of our program has been to develop a sensitive noninvasive procedure to quantify early weightlessness-induced changes in cardiovascular function or potential dysfunction. Forty studies of healthy young volunteers (10 men and 10 women, each studied twice) were conducted to determine changes in the sympatho-vagal balance of autonomic control of cardiovascular regulation during graded headward and footward blood volume shifts. Changes in sympatho-vagal balance were classified by changes in the mean levels and spectral content of cardiovascular variables and verified by changes in circulating levels of catecholamines and pancreatic polypeptide. Possible shifts in intra/extravascular fluid were assessed from changes in hematocrit and plasma mass density while changes in the stimulus to regulate plasma volume were determined from Plasma Renin Activity (PRA). Autonomic blockade was used to unmask the relative contribution of sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent influences in response to 10 min each of 0, 20 and 40 mmHg Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) and 15 and 30 mmHg Positive Pressure (LBPP). The combination of muscarinic blockade with graded LBNP and LBPP was used to evoke graded increases and decreases in sympathetic activity without parasympathetic contributions. The combination of beta blockade with graded LBNP and LBPP was used to produce graded increases and decreases in parasympathetic activity without beta sympathetic contributions. Finally, a combination of both beta and muscarinic blockades with LBNP and LBPP was used to determine the contribution from other, primarily alpha adrenergic, sources. Mean values, spectral analyses and time frequency analysis of R-R interval (HR), Arterial Pressure (AP), peripheral blood flow (RF), Stroke Volume (SV) and peripheral resistance (TPR) were performed for all phases of the study. Skin blood Flow (SF) was also measured in other studies and similarly analyzed. Spectra were examined for changes in three frequency regions (low 0.006 - 0.005 Hz (LF), mid 0.05 - 0.15 Hz (W), and high 0.15 - 0.45 Hz (EF)). The primary objective of the study was to indicate which changes in the mean values and/or spectra of cardiovascular variables consistently correlated with changes in sympatho-vagal balance in response to headward and footward fluid shifts. A secondaey objective was to quantify the vascular and extravascular fluid shifts evoked by LBNP and LBPP. The principal hypothesis being tested was that headward fluid shifts would evoke an increase in parasympathetic activity and footward fluid shifts would evoke an increase in sympathetic activity both of which would be detected by spectral analysis and verified by circulating hormones. Hematocrit (HCT), plasma mass density and plasma renin activity increased with muscarinic blockade and with LBNP, a response indicative of a plasma shift to extravascular spaces. Beta blockade alone or after muscarinic blockade had no effect on HCT or plasma mass density. With respect to intravascular fluid volume distribution, LBNP and LBPP produced sufficient upper body vascular fluid shifts to evoke appropriate autonomic regulatory responses

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