Evolution of Photon and Particle Spectra in Compact, Luminous Objects


Physical conditions in the radiating plasma in the cores of radio-strong quasars and active galactic nuclei cannot be derived from observations until the effects of relativistic aberration are understood. This requires determining both the bulk flow speeds and any wave or signal speed in the parsec-scale nuclear jets. In this project we studied several aspects of such waves. We considered constraints on jet deceleration by mass pickup, and found that bolometric luminosities of the active nuclei cannot constrain core jet speeds usefully. We also simulated observations of ballistic, helical trajectories and helical waves moving directly outwards along the jet. We found that ballistic trajectories are not allowed by the data; the helical features seen are very likely to be helical waves. We believe these are waves propagating in the jet plasma. To this end, we studied waves propagating in relativistic pair plasma jets. In particular, we undertook a program whose goal was to determine the nature of waves which can propagate in relativistic pair plasmas, and how such waves propagating in streaming jet plasma would be observed by an external observer. We developed the possibility of using pulsars as test cases for our models; this takes advantage of new technology in pulsar observations, and the similarity of the physical conditions in the pulsar magnetosphere to the dense, relativistic pair plasmas which exist in radio-strong quasars

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