Effects of Meteoroid Erosion in Planetary Rings


This grant supported continuing studies of the effects of ballistic transport on the evolution of Saturn's rings. Ballistic transport, as used in this context, refers to the net transport of mass and angular momentum caused by the exchange of meteoroid impact ejecta between neighboring ring regions (Ip 1983, 1984, Morfill et al. 1983, Lissauer 1984, Durisen 1984a,b). The characteristic time scale associated with this process is the gross erosion time t(sub g) the time it would take a ring region to be completed eroded if all impact ejecta were lost. This time scale is estimated to be about 10(exp 5) to 10(exp 6) years for a ring region with normal optical depth tau approximately 1. Earlier work by myself and collaborators developed the physical theory and simulation techniques to model this process (Durisen et al. 1989, Cuzzi and Durisen 1990). Detailed simulations, supported in part by this grant, have demonstrated that ballistic transport can produce observed structures in Saturn's rings, especially at and near the inner edges of the A and B Rings (Durisen et al. 1992, 1996). The structures of interest in the real rings are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Most of these structures were previously unexplained. The computational results plus analytic treatments place useful constraints on fundamental ring properties, including the indication of a relatively young ring age less than or equal 10(exp 8) years (see reviews by Nicholson and Dones 1991, Esposito 1993, Cuzzi 1995, and Porco 1995). This grant also supported development of the faster computational algorithms necessary to permit longer evolutions. Resulting simplications in the ballistic transport equations permitted an analytic linear stability analysis (Durisen 1995), which has provided considerable insight into ballistic transport processes and applications to Saturn's rings. All these accomplishments are described in more detail below

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