An algorithm for chlorophyll using first difference transformations of AVIRIS reflectance spectra


Experimental results have shown the existence of a strong relationship between chlorophyll alpha concentration and remote sensing reflectance measured at lake level with a high resolution spectroradiometer. The objective of our study was to investigate the relationship between surface chlorophyll alpha concentration at Mono Lake and water reflectance retrieved from Airborne Visible - Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data obtained in october 7, 1992. AVIRIS data were atmospherically corrected as described by Green et al. A description of the lake-level sampling is found in Melack and Gastil. The relationship between chlorophyll concentration and both the single band reflectance and the first difference transformation of the reflectance spectra for the first 40 AVIRIS spectral bands (400 nm to 740 nm) was examined. The relationship was then used to produce a map of the surface chlorophyll distribution

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