Bounds on Lithospheric Thickness on Venus from Magellan Gravity and Topography Data


The primary objective of the work executed under NAGW-4784 is to provide constraints on the thermal and tectonic evolution of Venus. Establishing thermal and tectonic evolution models requires not only geological, but geophysical constraints, in particular the nature of temporal and spatial variations in crustal and lithospheric thickness. The major topics of study completed under NAGW-4784 (described more fully below) are: (1) detailed analyses of the resolution of Magellan Line-Of-Site (LOS) Doppler data to establish the minimum resolvable wavelength in the gravity data; (2) calculations of the global strain field in the venusian lithosphere and comparisons with global strain patterns from geological mapping; (3) study of the geological history of coronae at E. Eistla Regio; (4) estimation of crustal and lithospheric thickness by modeling of topography at asymmetric and symmetric rift-like chasmata; (5) preliminary investigations of spatial versus temporal variations in lithospheric thickness. Both the PI and Co-I have presented papers based on these topics at national and international meetings (American Geophysical Union Meetings, Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences, Chapman Conference on the Geodynamics of Venus)

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