Vortex ring instability and its sound


This work carries earlier finite-difference calculations of the Widnall instability of vortex rings into the late non-linear stage. Plots of energy in azimuthal Fourier modes indicate that low-order modes dominate at large times; their structure and dynamics remain unexplored, however. An attempt was made to calculate the acoustic signal using the theory of Mohring (1978), valid for unbounded flow. This theory shows that only low-order azimuthal modes contribute to the sound. As a check on the effects of axial periodicity and a slip wall at large radius imposed by the numerical scheme, the acoustic integrals were also computed in a truncated region. Half of the terms contributing to the sound have large differences between the two regions, and the results are therefore unreliable. The error is less severe for a contribution involving only the m = 2 mode, and its low frequency is consistent with a free elliptic bending wave on a thin ring

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