The Link Between UV Extinction and Infrared Cirrus


Low resolution spectra from the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite were used to derive ultraviolet extinction curves for stars in four clusters away from the galactic plane. The extinction in three of the clusters is very similar to the general interstellar curve defined by Seaton. Stars in the fourth region, near the Rho Ophiuci dark cloud, have extinction curves that are characterized by a small "linear" term component. The star BD +36 deg 781 is unique amongst the 20 stars observed in that it shows evidence for extinction by diamond grains near 1700 angstroms. We used data from the final release of the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) to determine the 60 micron to 100 micron intensity ratio for the infrared cirrus. The ISSA data, which have been corrected for zodiacal light, gave intensity ratios that are more robust and self-consistent than for other data sets that we used. When the infrared and ultraviolet data are combined, we see a general trend for low values of the ultraviolet "linear term" (al) to correlate with high values of 60 micron/100 micron ratio. This implies that, in regions where the average dust temperature is hotter (high 60 micron/100 micron ratio), there is a relative absence of the small silicate grains that are responsible for the ultraviolet linear term. However, the new data do not bear out our earlier contention that the 60 micron and 100 micron emissions are poorly correlated spatially in regions where the 60 micron/100 micron ratio is low. Only NGC 1647 shows this result. It may be that the different dust types are particularly poorly mixed in this area

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